Hey guess what? I dint go to school again : D well i dint go because im sick n i went to boring but fancy restaurant : Di met my closest cousin ever n we talk bout gay stuff : D k im lazy to type! bye Love Aida
Today was fun coz i ponteng skola!Haha hmm in my mind right now is *when am i going to meet Aida again!! ARGHH!!! n um um nothing to say coz today is boring!
Schools sucks! that is the perfect word to dicribe how school is haha. Well my result um um not bad i think haha xde fail YAHOO. Hmm well today topic is SCHOOL SUCKS k bye : D
<3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Aida
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hey, today is a very sad day! Y must today be a SUNDAY! at sharp 7.00 p.m i will start crying! Mayb its because tomorrow is school n i cant talk to Aida until 2.00 in the morning!Oh ya today the M.T had our last gathering for the week at the MAPLAY (mamak stall) haha!Ok i must go n get ready for hell tomorrow!
Omg today is so damn fcuking boring! Oh btw 1st time in history i woke up at 1.30a.m haha n mayb because slept late when i was talking wit someone : D haha. Hmm whats next? Oh ya today while i was jogging today it suddenly rain! Haha this is the tiring part! I ran non stop till i reach shelter haha!
Finally i've got this blogger haha.. Well hmm today is boring n i have nothing to say so i will write a lil longer when i have some fresh new ideas haha bubye