Budak yg mengecat tadika -.- penat oh tp nasib baik lah sikit je :D dah lah panas, bnyk nyamuk haha.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Fat boy
Boroi, bob, buncit, gemok, dinosaur, big-perut, bontot besar, bulat.
Itulah ayat2 yang aku dengar sejak aku darjah 4 smpai lah form 1. Tapi asal dah x panggil aku gemuk dah skrng? dulu aku gemuk, sapa nak aku? xda orang pandang aku pun kan? Hmm ok skrang aku champion 100m n 4x100, aku main bola, aku main rugby, aku exercise! Asal dah x panggil aku bob ke buncit ke? asal terdiam tengok aku? baru lah terhegeh nak num fon aku =.= SORY! TAK AKAN DILAYAN..
bukan nak belagak! sape makan cili, dia rasa pedas ^.^
Itulah ayat2 yang aku dengar sejak aku darjah 4 smpai lah form 1. Tapi asal dah x panggil aku gemuk dah skrng? dulu aku gemuk, sapa nak aku? xda orang pandang aku pun kan? Hmm ok skrang aku champion 100m n 4x100, aku main bola, aku main rugby, aku exercise! Asal dah x panggil aku bob ke buncit ke? asal terdiam tengok aku? baru lah terhegeh nak num fon aku =.= SORY! TAK AKAN DILAYAN..
bukan nak belagak! sape makan cili, dia rasa pedas ^.^
Friday, December 10, 2010
Nak TIDO ! !
Perrgh ngantuk tahap dewa sial! dah lah bgun awal, main futsal lak tu.Then sembhyang jumaat, then ada lah hal sikit smpai skrng x tido
Thursday, December 9, 2010
All away from kelantan
Tadi gi tengok movie kat one utama, syok gak lah movie tu. Then gi makan smpai BOROI hahaha! Lepas tu beli barang then kul 4.45 balik. Then lepak ngan mummy sampai kul 8 and my old good frien text "kau ade rumah tak" ada lah! dia tidur rumah aku hari ni!
so td gi makan smpai kul 12 lebih, then balik. so mayb x tido kot hahaha
so td gi makan smpai kul 12 lebih, then balik. so mayb x tido kot hahaha
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
2.45 A.M yesterday
My phone rang!
Amin: Hello (sleeping tone)
Caller: ni amin ke?
Amin: sape ni!
Caller: u kenal tina kan?
Amin: Oh Fuck, ni tina ke?
Caller: hehe u ingat kan my voice! awww..
Amin: memang lah coz u nya voice paling gedik i penah dgar -.-
Caller: u ngah buat ape? i miss u lah!
Amin: what do u think im doing? melancap? im sleeping lah!!
Caller: hahaha u ni kelakar lah. awal nya u tido?
Amin: awal kepala hotak u, dah kul 2 lebih kan? u je freak yg x leti tido!
Caller: ee jahat la u ni! i like bad boys!
Amin: U have problems u know! k lah i want to sleep !
Caller: before u sleep u must promise me something!
Amin: alaaa what is it?
Caller: u must text me! n ditch any girls dat ur txting or any girls u like!
Amin: what are you? my mom? i'll think bout it! nite! ! !
Caller: Nite sayang! ! muaahxz
Amin: um um u bodoh ya? kuat perasan kan u!
and i hung up the fon and went back to sleep! !
BABI pasal dia nk tido balik susah! ! !
Amin: Hello (sleeping tone)
Caller: ni amin ke?
Amin: sape ni!
Caller: u kenal tina kan?
Amin: Oh Fuck, ni tina ke?
Caller: hehe u ingat kan my voice! awww..
Amin: memang lah coz u nya voice paling gedik i penah dgar -.-
Caller: u ngah buat ape? i miss u lah!
Amin: what do u think im doing? melancap? im sleeping lah!!
Caller: hahaha u ni kelakar lah. awal nya u tido?
Amin: awal kepala hotak u, dah kul 2 lebih kan? u je freak yg x leti tido!
Caller: ee jahat la u ni! i like bad boys!
Amin: U have problems u know! k lah i want to sleep !
Caller: before u sleep u must promise me something!
Amin: alaaa what is it?
Caller: u must text me! n ditch any girls dat ur txting or any girls u like!
Amin: what are you? my mom? i'll think bout it! nite! ! !
Caller: Nite sayang! ! muaahxz
Amin: um um u bodoh ya? kuat perasan kan u!
and i hung up the fon and went back to sleep! !
BABI pasal dia nk tido balik susah! ! !
Hmm bgun kul 8 lebih, then keluar rumah syakib dah kat dpan rumah haha. Then nak tunggu adam mcm haram. bpk lmbt haha, then gi rumah anwar lg haram! BELUM bgn mamat tu -.- then kul 8.45 baru lah smpai court futsal. Main ngan macha2, syok gak lah haha :D
then jumpa lak team puki. Memang nak renvenge lah! ! first 10 miniutes dah kene 10-0, dulu bising! skrng x lak bising. Kecoh -.- then final score pun 25-15 haha bdget lg Then balik terus tido ^.^
then jumpa lak team puki. Memang nak renvenge lah! ! first 10 miniutes dah kene 10-0, dulu bising! skrng x lak bising. Kecoh -.- then final score pun 25-15 haha bdget lg Then balik terus tido ^.^
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It was weird, but i like it!
I dream bout teh :O it was weird but i like it :D The dream goes like this, In the morning, i fetch her and we went to play badminton with anwar and syakib, ill take u out for breakfast :D hmm after that we just sitting by the field. only the both of us, n i was playing the song ♥ THEN.... my came in n wake me up -.- haha but i like that dream :D
♥ F
♥ F
16 days to go
Im waiting, im waiting im waiting :D oh just to let u know i just made this lyric up.
It goes like this
"You can be my sayang, all my manja. We might as well try, we get no younger. You plus me, i've got love. Yeah from rawang, she so hot like rest of curry, you so bright like matahari, Im not gonnna brag yeah! "
TADAAAAA! ! haha i know its kinda boring but ya, i was boring :D
Just to make u feel any better, your song is done :D
♥ ♥ Teh
It goes like this
"You can be my sayang, all my manja. We might as well try, we get no younger. You plus me, i've got love. Yeah from rawang, she so hot like rest of curry, you so bright like matahari, Im not gonnna brag yeah! "
TADAAAAA! ! haha i know its kinda boring but ya, i was boring :D
Just to make u feel any better, your song is done :D
♥ ♥ Teh
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Why can't i have time traveling powers!
17 days to go. Pagi td aku bgn kul 8.30 and then aku tolong mak aku jap, then on9. Time aku on9 TEH pun on9 ♥ memang aku senyum je lah pagi tu :D then dia dah kene pegi. So xpe lah mlm ni je lah aku date ngn dia. Tak sabar for our first cyber date haha. Then petang td aku ngan anwar gi main bdmiton kat badminton hall. Then mcm mane tah blakang aku lak buat hal. Sakit tahap DEWA! ! main je lah nnti anwar marah lak haha. Then balik tu aku terus gi beli mkn. Dah la lapa, sakit blakang, n rindu "dia" ngee haha. Hmm hope she is fine lah.
♥ ♥ Teh, im always waiting
♥ ♥ Teh, im always waiting
Friday, December 3, 2010
She is the one! !
Even though we just know each other. I know that your the one for me! there is a million girl i met! but my heart says ur the one. Im not scared for what will happen. cause i trust u, n i know u will try not to do that to me. I'll make u smile every morning and every night! I'll protect u always. Im not regretting anything for working there, because everyday i can see your face, even though u didn't notice me, but i always wait for the moment u come out n take your food :D Hope you will give me a chance. I will take that chance and i will make a spark between us! ! I will try to make u happy n will not ever break your heart. N i PROMISE you that!!
♥ ♥ ♥ F
♥ ♥ ♥ F
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My New Boots! !
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hari ni memang paling best ar! Coz ari ni ade tournament rugby kat SMT Arau! Smpai arau pun dalam kul 4 pagi kot! Then kul 6 papa (manager rugby) kejut kan solat subuh!
Time tu tido kat dalam bus je dari kuala kangsar. So korang bayang kan lah mcm mane kite tido! Nasib baik seorang dpt 2 kerusi, boleh lah baring. Tp pg tu memang sejuk tahap dewa ar!then kebetulan lah pulak pg tu ade orang meninggal. Pak Abu namanya (Al-Fatihah) then lepas solat semua, kita gi mkn n terus ke skola teknik arau! Kami gameyg ke 9 kot.. so kami bnyk masa untuk warm up. time game kami bermula, alhamdulilah lah kite dpt score dulu tp nasib tidak menyebelahi kami, coz skola Skola Sains Pokok Sena score balik dan sepakan dia masuk. Disebab kan sepakan tu lah kite kalah -.- xpe lah. Game kedua pula dengan skola MRSM Balik Pulau yg kami kalahkan tournament yg lalu. Tp kalai ni dorang lak belasah kite. Memang malu lah, time rehat sir bawa kita bersiar2 kat arau ni. So dpt la release tension sikit. Then lepas Asar game ketiga kami. Kami memang kene menang lah game ni kalau x, tu lah game last kami. Aku slalu teringat kata2 captain.
*weh c'mon la tebus balik saslah td
*ni last game kite bersam
*ni last kite berjumpe thun ni
*sir bnyk berkorban
*aku tgk makin lama graf kita dah menaik
*kite xda kejayaan lg.
*jom lah buat kejayaan untuk kita thun ni
Itulah kata2 Uwais Al-Qarni. Memang kammi menng lah game tu! lega lah sikit, tp still x hbis lgi. Kami dapat masuk final bowl, n game tulah yg paling best lah aku main. Seronok gila game tu, Pertama kali side step aku menjadi haha. Tp tujelah kejaaya yg kita buat thun ni. Tunggu lah thun depan, insyaallah lg bnyk kejayaan daripada senior kami! Time balik tu memang hapening lah dalam bus, sir main royal flush, menari dalam bus n paling best, sir ajar cmnr nk ajar cmne nk ragging bdak untuk thun depan haha. Oh ya kat dalam bus sir suka lgu EYE OF THE TIGER. Aku rasa memang sesuai lah lagu untuk team kami, coz kyric die memang kene. Yg tido tu memang rugi lah. Then lepas tu stop kat sungai petani coz sir nye kmpung kat situ. N kami pun gi pasar malam kat situ. Pasar malam tu memang besar gila BABI ar!! Time tu plak lapa, kiri kanan penuh dengan makanan je. Fuh memang enjoy lah mkn dalam bus haha. Then ape lg? Tido lah, Tau2 smpai skola dah kul 1.40 pagi, smpai je dorm memang x ckp bnyk ar. Letak je bag, naik katil pakai selimut n terus tido haha! X sabar lah thun depan! Rindu gila main rugby!!
Ni lah result kami.. Enjoy~ ahah
smvkk 5 vs 7 sm sains pokok sena
smvkk 0 vs 17 mrsm balik pulau
smvkk 17 vs 0 smk abi, perlis
smvkk 17 vs 5 smk tg abdul rahman
Lagu Favorite Sir Dalam Bus
Geting Ready
Watch Out For Rhino! !
One Pack
Saje nak tunjuk SIR!!
HAKA! saje masukan
Sir ajar membuli!
Hero buat!
Kami lah JUARA!!!
Time tu tido kat dalam bus je dari kuala kangsar. So korang bayang kan lah mcm mane kite tido! Nasib baik seorang dpt 2 kerusi, boleh lah baring. Tp pg tu memang sejuk tahap dewa ar!then kebetulan lah pulak pg tu ade orang meninggal. Pak Abu namanya (Al-Fatihah) then lepas solat semua, kita gi mkn n terus ke skola teknik arau! Kami gameyg ke 9 kot.. so kami bnyk masa untuk warm up. time game kami bermula, alhamdulilah lah kite dpt score dulu tp nasib tidak menyebelahi kami, coz skola Skola Sains Pokok Sena score balik dan sepakan dia masuk. Disebab kan sepakan tu lah kite kalah -.- xpe lah. Game kedua pula dengan skola MRSM Balik Pulau yg kami kalahkan tournament yg lalu. Tp kalai ni dorang lak belasah kite. Memang malu lah, time rehat sir bawa kita bersiar2 kat arau ni. So dpt la release tension sikit. Then lepas Asar game ketiga kami. Kami memang kene menang lah game ni kalau x, tu lah game last kami. Aku slalu teringat kata2 captain.
*weh c'mon la tebus balik saslah td
*ni last game kite bersam
*ni last kite berjumpe thun ni
*sir bnyk berkorban
*aku tgk makin lama graf kita dah menaik
*kite xda kejayaan lg.
*jom lah buat kejayaan untuk kita thun ni
Itulah kata2 Uwais Al-Qarni. Memang kammi menng lah game tu! lega lah sikit, tp still x hbis lgi. Kami dapat masuk final bowl, n game tulah yg paling best lah aku main. Seronok gila game tu, Pertama kali side step aku menjadi haha. Tp tujelah kejaaya yg kita buat thun ni. Tunggu lah thun depan, insyaallah lg bnyk kejayaan daripada senior kami! Time balik tu memang hapening lah dalam bus, sir main royal flush, menari dalam bus n paling best, sir ajar cmnr nk ajar cmne nk ragging bdak untuk thun depan haha. Oh ya kat dalam bus sir suka lgu EYE OF THE TIGER. Aku rasa memang sesuai lah lagu untuk team kami, coz kyric die memang kene. Yg tido tu memang rugi lah. Then lepas tu stop kat sungai petani coz sir nye kmpung kat situ. N kami pun gi pasar malam kat situ. Pasar malam tu memang besar gila BABI ar!! Time tu plak lapa, kiri kanan penuh dengan makanan je. Fuh memang enjoy lah mkn dalam bus haha. Then ape lg? Tido lah, Tau2 smpai skola dah kul 1.40 pagi, smpai je dorm memang x ckp bnyk ar. Letak je bag, naik katil pakai selimut n terus tido haha! X sabar lah thun depan! Rindu gila main rugby!!
Ni lah result kami.. Enjoy~ ahah
smvkk 5 vs 7 sm sains pokok sena
smvkk 0 vs 17 mrsm balik pulau
smvkk 17 vs 0 smk abi, perlis
smvkk 17 vs 5 smk tg abdul rahman




Friday, November 19, 2010
My Dream Girl
-Can make me smile
-love me for good and bad time
-just be her self
-not a hypocrite
-love sport
-nice hair
-does not cheat on me
-does not tell lies
-always there for me
-tak gedik sangat
-love me for good and bad time
-just be her self
-not a hypocrite
-love sport
-nice hair
-does not cheat on me
-does not tell lies
-always there for me
-tak gedik sangat
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I mess it BIG TIME! !

I know what i done is wrong, and i deserve what u did to me. Its not your fault for hammering me in public. I dont care what people say. i just want to play rugby n be your friend again. I hope u give me a second chance . i promise u that i'll be good, i'll keep away of trouble. Just give me a second chance! ! i'll prove it to u tahat i can change. I AM SOOOOOO SORY SIR! !
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Red Jumpsuit Biggest Fan! !
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya! !
Selamat hari raya
Aidilfitri mulia
Ampun maaf dipinta
Mensuci hening dosa
Setahun menghilang
Sekarang menjelang
Hari yang bahagia
Selamat hari raya
Selamat hari raya
Aidilfitri mulia
Ampun maaf diminta
Mensuci hening dosa
Seruan kita
Untuk semua
Selamat... selamat...
Selamat hari raya
( ulang dari mula )
Selamat... selamat...
Selamat hari raya
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
According to you
According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless
I can't do anything right
According to you I'm difficult, hard to please
Forever changing my mind
I'm a mess in a hair, can't show up on time
Even if it would save my life
According to you, according to you
But according to him I'm a looser, a piece of crap
He can't get me in his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you
According to you I'm boring, I'm moody
And you can't take me any place
According to you I suck at telling jokes
'Cause I always give it away
I'm the girl with the worst attention span
You're the boy who puts up with that
According to you, according to you
But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you
I need to feel appreciated
Like I'm not hated, oh no
Why can't you see me through his eyes?
It's too bad, you're making me dizzy
But according to me you're stupid, you're useless
You can't do anything right
But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
Baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you, you
According to you, you
According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless
I can't do anything right
I can't do anything right
According to you I'm difficult, hard to please
Forever changing my mind
I'm a mess in a hair, can't show up on time
Even if it would save my life
According to you, according to you
But according to him I'm a looser, a piece of crap
He can't get me in his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you
According to you I'm boring, I'm moody
And you can't take me any place
According to you I suck at telling jokes
'Cause I always give it away
I'm the girl with the worst attention span
You're the boy who puts up with that
According to you, according to you
But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you
I need to feel appreciated
Like I'm not hated, oh no
Why can't you see me through his eyes?
It's too bad, you're making me dizzy
But according to me you're stupid, you're useless
You can't do anything right
But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
Baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you, you
According to you, you
According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless
I can't do anything right
Monday, September 6, 2010
My Idol
Shopping ! !
Today i bought the things i want! I went to one utama at 12 sometng, Ya i bought 1 FCUK shirt and JASPAL shirt! its a simple and its cheap. Sale lah dikata kan :D Tapi jeans lak xde! Cilaka betul. Xpe minggu depan aku beli jeans aku! Bodoh nye jaspal, jual lah bnyk sikit jeans =.= then berbuka kat YAYA tom yam! sedap kot tp i was still hungry. Well u know me : D eh gtg update another blog soon.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Cuti Baby! !
Finally the i wait has came! The most interesting thing bout this week is i bake my first chocolate cake : D Its the most delicious cake ever, you want to know y? Coz i made it that's why haha. On friday we dint study but we have to go to the dewan n baca yasin n we have to hear the pibg meeting! and its all crap but when its finished i rush back to my dorm and pack my stuff. After 5 minutes, my dad cal and he said "I've arrived" i ran down and finally im out of prison. Haha when i reached home, Anwar call me and ajak melepak as usual haha! hmm dats all selamat berpuase :D
Friday, September 3, 2010
I've Changed
Since we lost against negeri sembilan in the rugby peringkat kebangsaan, i've told my self i want to change and train even harder and win the KEBANGSAAN Championship!! I know im the reason we lost against them. I'll prove to them what im capable of!! Now me and my partner are the weapon for next year team. I will not let sir fauzi down! Every day il play my heart out when it comes to training. Even though i make mistakes asd il get punished for that, but i dont care. I will still stick with the team, coz we are the pack who will make history next year and make sir fauzi smile again!! I've notice i have change alot this year. One of them is i fast the whole month. (that's an improvement ok!) haha.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sejarah Telah Tercipta

It all started with this man up here. His name is Sir Fauzi and with his knowledge is rugby, we won a lot of games. The story starts like this. Dah berapa bnyk kali rhyno mencipta sejarah paada tahun 2010!! Salah satunye friendly kat MRSM lengong! dats my 1st time where i score my firts touched! Secondly tournament daerah lawan ngn Cliford n Mckk!! n for the first time for how many years we won against Clifford and it was a tough fight! Sir Fauzi was so frustrated n was realy angry. But luck was by our side coz at the last minute our hero scored our most important goal ever!! The hero name was Amir!! Sir fauzi was happy until he n encik kholdi hugged each othr! But two days after we got to meet our greatest rival ever that is MCKK! Sir Fauzi said i have to play! But i was scared, luckily Khali a.k.a "Tengku" said tackle solid n jgn takut!! Ok i played my heart out!! n i like it when i tackle all the looser!! But sadly we draw and the good news is we made history there coz for 20 years we never scored more than 5! A couple week after that Kejohanan Antara Teknik Began, all rugby, softball, netball, football, debate all tried our best! Let me tell the rugby story!! As we just arrived we start our first game against SMT Manjong and we won 35-0 then we went back to our hostel at Raja Chulan. That night Sir went back to kuala kangsar to get our prize for the daerah tournament. At that night we rest our ass off. Then sir arived with FOOD haha... the next morning we played our guts out in the burning sun and in the heavy rain but all our hard work paid off coz we were qualified into the final against Taiping yg cheroi n kurang ajar tu. We hammered them 30 someting-0 and when the final whistle blows me, jb and sir fauzi atacked Sir Kholdi into the mud we were so happy until we tackle everyone! But before we went back we did the haka and all the taiping player were so mad "who cares" hahaha! Then on monday sir announced the winer and i was so shy haha but proud too! on wednesday we went swimming at kuala kangsar! i like it when we kicked jb ass and pull sir kholdi chest hair haha! Oh ya before i said goodbye Rhyno's are going to johor and perlis for our other tournament!! YAHOOO

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Smtkk vs Mrsm lenggong
On the 15th of april Smtkk had matck against lenggong. I was exited and kinda scared too. We start or journey at sharp 4.00p.m and we reached there around 4.45. We straight went for our prayers and get ready for the game. In the first half we scored once. But when the second half start everything change. Lenggong fight back and we were behind 5 points, or most of our star is injured. Then Sir Fauzi ask me to play, i still remember his words "Kerja kau tackle and rucking je" ok i did what i had to did, that is tackling and rucking. Time is flying we are still 5 points behind. I was in pain but that the meaning of rugby!! Suddenly Muaz had the ball and ramp through and were near the goal. Then a miracle happen to me, the ball roll right infront of me. Without looking left or right i took the ball and ran to the goal. I scored for the first time!!! I was really proud and ill never forget this moment for the rest of my life! I LOVE RUGBY!!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Kita semua gi lawatan kat university ipoh. kita tgok senior kita masak haha syok gila kot : D tp harap2 sempat balik petang coz nk main rugby hahaha. Last saturday kita ada tournament rugby kat shah alam. team kita memang gempak ar. eventhough x dpt main tp best tgk senior main : D dpt medal kot haha. Syok oh gerak dari sini kul 3 pagi smpai sana kul 8 lebih kot. then balik kul 6 smetng n smpai kul 12 hehe. kite plan nak fly gi CC tp pak guard lak x bg! Esk pagi bru kita fly. haha best gila kot. ok thats all for today. Cpat lah aku nk balik skola ni. Nanti sir marah -.- bubye : D
Friday, March 12, 2010
AGA 494

Hai Im back. Saje nak cita bout my new school. SMTKK is my new school, its fun n big and i mean BIG!!! haha wel i made some new friends n some not good friends -_- Oh ya im taking Catering. Syok dapat masak haha "Chef Gibbs" and senior pulak best! lg2 senior rugby! dorang jaga aku! sebab tu kene respect senior : D ngeee. Bukan je senior je jaga aku! coach rugby pun jaga aku! Dia memang jaga aku lah sampai kene Ehem-Ehem haha. Nma die sir Fauzi. Die lah cikgu paling fit dalam skola ni n paling smart. Die ajar math, account n bende2 kira lah. Semalam kita main kat MRSM lengong n sekolah mane tah. Allhamdulillah kita menang n telah mencipta sejarah baru! Team bowling plak telah menjadi juara (lelaki ngn perempuan) n 3.4.2010 The Rhino's akan gi SMT Shah Alam. Harap2 dapat main lah kalau x dpt pun cool je lah janji dpt pegi haha

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